Our Organization’s Structure
Coastside State Parks is governed by a Board of Directors. Since our association has no paid staff for executive or administrative tasks, our volunteer directors perform these duties themselves as officers of the board and through work on our committees. Committees include Finance, Governance, Park Stores, and Program & Development. This last committee also performs marketing and communication tasks. In addition, CSPA volunteers provide valuable assistance by serving on certain committees, particularly the Park Stores Committee.
To maintain close coordination, California State Parks appoints a member of its staff to serve as liaison between itself and each of its cooperating associations. CSPA’s Cooperating Association Liaison (CAL) is Ranger Barbara Morris of the San Mateo Coast Sector, Santa Cruz District. The liaison for the Park Stores Committee is Docent Coordinator, Susan Blake.
CSPA’s only paid staff members are the manager and assistant who oversee CSPA’s three park stores. Both positions are part-time. Sales staff in the stores are State Park volunteers.